+01-609-363-8175 voice
Main Email: mail AT newgene-us DOT com
Conf. Line: +01-712-432-9900 (from a cell phone: +01-712-832-2986) Conference ID: 541838
+01-972-323-8607 National Fax-Directly-to-Secure-Dropbox
(Prefix *** numbers with +01 (the US country code), & omit dashes, for Whatsapp)
- Olen Soifer PA, DE, NJ, NY, CT, MA, RI, NH, VT, ME 01-609-363-8175 ***01-609-547-8928
- Carol K AK, WA, OR, Idaho, MT, WY, ND & SD, NE ***01-702-215-1597
- Chris H NV, N California, UT, CO, KS, MO ***01-916-410-2429
- Teara K AZ, S California, HI, NM, OK, TX, Guam ***01-520-247-1899
- xxxxxxx WV, VA, DC, MD, NC xxx-xxx-xxxx
- xxxxxxx MN, WI, MI, IL, IN, OH, KY, TN xxx-xxx-xxxx
- Frank C AR, LA, MS, AL 01-504-831-5981
- Dave W FL, GA, SC, PR, VI 01-609-517-8942
Email addresses are: FirstName @ newgene-us DOT com (without spaces)
Territories shown are for internal purposes. Any representative may handle clients in any area and any can assist you if there is no specific representative shown for your area.)
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